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Jamie v Itálii

Po projektu se školními obědy jsem potřeboval pauzu. Vždycky jsem miloval Itálii a už léta jsem chtěl cestovat po celé zemi, abych od jídla a lidí opět nabral inspiraci. Tak jsem vyrazil s mým obytným VW a speciálně vystavěným kuchyňským přívěsem tak, abych mohl vařit kdekoli zastavím!

Měl jsem mnoho času poznat lahůdky z rušných nočních trhů v Palermu, zúčastnit se soutěží ve výrobě těstovin s italskými mammas v malé horské vesničce v Le Marche a vnuknout trochu nadšení do vaření ve společenství benediktínů severně od Říma.

• 6 x 30-minutový díl
• poprvé vysíláno: Velká Británie, na Channel 4, říjen 2005



1 Sicílie [Sicily]

24. 12. 2010

Jamie travels through France in his camper, takes the boat from Genoa to Palermo, lives in a campsite for a week, meets a countess and learns to cook street food, culminating in his taking over a grill in one of Palermo's busiest night markets.


2 Marettimo [Marettimo]

24. 12. 2010

Jamie arrives on this small Sicilian island where no cars are allowed and there is just one fruit and veg store, but whish has one of Sicily's best yet relatively unknown restaurants. He shadows Giovanni the owner, learns the importance of the simplicity of food, and ends up taking over the restaurant and cooking for true Sicilians—some of his "toughest critics yet".


3 Klášter Farfa [Farfa]

24. 12. 2010

Having heard about the historical significance of monastic cuisine, Jamie spends time with the Benedictine community in Farfa, North of Rome. On his arrival he discovers that the food is not what it used to be and the monks seem disillusioned. He sets about the task of reintroducing fun and flair to the kitchens, gardens and dining room. In the process he takes the monks off in his camper van, does some roadside cooking to raise money for a new herb garden, and enlists the help of the monks to cook a last supper.


4 La Marque [Le Marche]

24. 12. 2010

Wanting to go back to basics, Jamie heads for the mountains of Le Marche, where he lives in a small community for a week, during which he hunts wild boar, slaughters a lamb which he cooks for a group of locals, enters a pasta-making competition with a group of mammas and lives off the land, hunting for truffles and gathering wild mushrooms.


5 Apúlie [Puglia]

24. 12. 2010

Jamie motors to Altamura, the city of bread, where he meets and befriends the DiGesu family, who run a large bakery. He visits a school where the children's knowledge of food and nutrition stands in stark contrast to that of their British counterparts, and makes a trip to Bari to visit a community of women making fresh pasta on the street. Inspired by their family values, Jamie offers to cook a birthday lunch for his new friend Beppe's wife and 30 members of the DiGesu family.


6 Amalfi [Amalfi]

24. 12. 2010

Amalfi Coast
With his 30th birthday fast-approaching, Jamie returns to an area of Italy that he knows and loves. However, this time he decides to go to Minori, where his 'Italian father', Gennaro Contaldo, was born and raised. Following in Gennaro's footsteps Jamie goes mussel-fishing and cooks for Gennaro's father, who was Gennaro’s first inspiration in the kitchen. Drawing together all that he has learned in six weeks in Italy, Jamie cooks a 30th birthday meal for all of the friends that he has made along the way.